How to see Lisbon in 3 Days

Lisbon has been on my bucket list for a very long time, it’s somewhere i’ve always wanted to explore, learn about its history, try the Portuguese cuisine and just soak up all the city had to offer. The key to making this trip memorable was preparation – we done a little research before we went…

Tips on how to Travel Stress-Free​

Not to be all cringey and shit but it all boils down to – make a list, check it twice. For me i’m one of those people in life who love making lists. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside and sets me for the day knowing exactly what i need to do with…

My Top 5 Destinations for 2018

A New Year means a new set of adventures. And we all know choosing your holiday destinations or mini-break spots can be a challenge with so much to choose from and so many reviews to decipher it can be difficult narrowing it down to a top 5. Then not to mention it’s getting your other half…